Sunday, October 9, 2011

Failing scores are failing futures, and a pervasive, catastrophic public safety issue!

Besides the tanking of home-grown prosperity and intensified citizen inequality, the most lethal, corrosive consequence of the current failing system of public education is the pervasive, catastrophic public safety issue.

Younger failing students are confused. But the older failing students are angry and resentful! The former “unruly” students have morphed into today’s classroom at-risk, “power-kegs.” Drop-outs. Then, the rest of us meet these under-schooled, unskilled drifters on the streets of America, extracting their pound of toxic comeuppance. Tit-for-tat?

“Yeah, our teacher doesn’t make us read during Reading Period (compulsory in district). He lets us do whatever we want.” Sloppy, Regular Teach!
The private, business sector warns: “get the numbers, or clean out your desks!” Educators? Teacher accountability—linch-pin of Finland’s education system (1st in the world)—is absent in America. Respect for educators is earned, not gratis.

“I’m dumb, dumb, dumb! I didn’t get it last year and I don’t get it this year!” The second grader tears and slumps. Most failing students will self-blame, wondering why they just cannot get it. Then, the student is shoved into the next grade.

Next: “Come on in, Young People, we’ll give you a ride for your lives,” hawk the public school educators, standing at the entrance.

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