Monday, October 10, 2011

Con game 101

“Come on in, Young People, we’ll give you a ride for your lives!” Hawk public school educators, lounging at the entrance. Tiny, bright-eyed students eagerly cross the school-house door-step carrying mini-backpacks, #2 pencils, a snack. The result?

“Close to 40% drops out...” “...50% of America’s public school students fails proficiency in math and reading skills...” “...66% of public schools is drug infested...” “...50% of schools is gang infected...” “...ability to create the next generation of U.S. leaders in science and technology is seriously in danger.”A. Friedman.

The home-schooled students, kitchen-table scholars, test consistently higher and higher than the public school students— with significantly less resources, and untrained (mostly) personnel.

Come in, visit a classroom. Read the faces of failure—the students who understand they don’t understand what they self-respect, no peer respect, certainly no enjoyment—eyes turned down, out the window, glaring back.  Students fail because teachers fail.

How this lack of achievement is, has been, allowed to persist (for decades) is a mystery, unconscionable.  Administrators know the standards, know the test scores, know the non-productive classrooms/schools. In no other field would these slackers be tolerated.

Parents are suing districts for the faulty education of their children, and they’re establishing alternatives to the public school education classroom. Why should parents keep opening their wallets wider and wider, over and over?  Why should communities pay over $200,000 annually to rehab one juvenile when the schools could have done the job for well under $10,000?

“Eventually, the only students in college will be from private schools or those who are home-schooled, certainly the ones who’ll be getting scholarships!”  prophesied a young mom.

Next:  Children’s potential? They’re swinging from the tree-tops!

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